I went to the farm by myself this week, need to get the trees we planted covered/protected from the bucks using them to rub their antlers. So I have come up with some hardware cloth and posts to do this. I have seven trees that need to be done. The worst part is cutting the hardware cloth, anytime you mess with it you get cut from the little pieces of wire. Anyway I got this done without spilling to much blood which was amazing for me.
The second thing I worked on was Jessie the truck, she would not start the last time we were at the farm, so I bought a charger to charge up her battery and a pair of battery cables. I had her running in just a short period of time. Found some bad wiring going to the negative side of the battery and changed it. She still is not charging the battery when she is running, so the next couple of trips I will work on her some more.
I also had some more hostas to plant, these were planted around the oak trees down by the south pond. I also downloaded pictures from the two game cameras. I need to get some sort of mineral rock for the one camera, the deer are not coming to it like they use to. I did take some of the Black Magic deer bait and put it in the hole where the trophy rock use to set. We'll see if that helps.
Did get some pictures of a couple of bucks just getting their antlers. The two big bucks have not shown up from last year, hopefully they will. Kinda disappointed that we don't have any pictures of any fawns yet. A couple of the does look as if they are still pregnant.
Here are some of the pictures that I downloaded, the first is of my brother fishing, yeah he got caught on the camera. A little note about their trip here, they are bird watchers, so we told them about the humming bird that comes into the barn to drink from the humming bird feeder and the indigo buntings that are at the farm. Won't you know that while they were here neither would show up while they were here. Of course they show up today, go figure.
Here is a picture of a rain storm the night of July 3rd, you can see the rain going sideways. This was a hard rain storm.
Big Bird
Hope you enjoy the pictures