Yes my brother came all the way from Kansas via Ill.(visit other brothers) to visit us and make a trip to the farm. They got here on Monday and we stayed here at the condo Monday nite, then left Tuesday morning to go to the farm. When we got there we were lounging in the chairs inside the barn when I noticed a toad sitting on top of some canning jars we had sitting on the floor. This toad was quite fat as you can see from the photos
Lois and our sister-in-law took off in one golf cart, my brother and I took off in the other golf cart to tour the farm. As we were touring we went down into the area where the one game camera is located and Lois and Claudine saw this pretty butterfly. 
My brother and I found this butterfly checking out the butterfly weed
Lois and Claudine did see a couple of turkeys today, it was strange though as normally we see a lot of small birds and we were hoping that we would see them when they were here and for some reason we didn't.
After the tour of the farm my brother and I went fishing in the south pond, it was about 2:00 in the afternoon, not a good time to start fishing. As luck would have it the fish did cooperate with us, I think we ended up catching about 20 crappie, which we turned lose. My brother did catch a big bluegill and 1 small bass.
The next morning Larry and I went back to the farm, we stopped and got the chain saw and when we got to the farm we decided to try the chain saw out. So we went and did some cutting on the oak tree that I had been cutting on for the last 3 weeks.
Larry and I did see two deer later in the morning before we left for lunch. After lunch they headed home to Kansas and we headed back to Gallatin.