Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nov. 3

We made a trip to the farm on Tuesday, first trip for Lois in 3 weeks. A lot of the leaves that had turned colors, had fallen so Lois did not get to see how pretty the farm was. We had some plants we needed to set out and I had a mission I wanted to get done.
The mission I had was to clear the dam on the south pond, the last time I was at the farm I was fishing over by the dam and had gotten my line hung up on a tree by the dam. When I went to retrieve it and was walking back I got tangled up in some of the briar's on the dam and took a fall. Here is a picture of before I started clearing.

I started clearing and about an 1 1/2 hrs later here is the result.

Here is a picture of across the pond where I started mowing while I was there. It sure looks nice.

Here are the plants that we planted down by the pond, once these started it will look nice down here.

I downloaded the pictures from the new camera placements, the one camera placement did not have many pictures, a total of 4, all does. The other camera did have some good pictures, 2 pictures of a nice 8 point buck.

Here are some doe pictures from the same camera

We also took some pictures of one of the little fence lizards that is always at the door of the barn. When I caught him I told Lois that I had something that was cute, she had to agree that he was cute.

Until the next trip have a great one.