Thursday, August 6, 2009

To the farm today

We went to the farm today, on a Thursday, which is unusual for us. It was suppose to rain on Tuesday so we waited to go. It was a nice day, a little to hot but still got a lot of work done. There won't be any pictures today we did take the camera with us but we didn't take any pictures just to busy. We got there and the first thing was we saw two baby blue tailed skinks when I opened the door to the barn. I tried to take pictures of them but they were camera shy and won't stay still. Next we unloaded Camo Kirby, yes we were able to get her fixed without to much trouble. While I was unloading the hostas out of the trailblazer and looked down between my legs and there was a snake. He had apparently came out from under the boards were have there to make a ramp going up onto the concrete floor. Needless to say I don't like surprises. A little squeal and a jump was in order. After I calmed down I realized it was just a small snake, don't know what kind but I did help him along his way. I think I am going to get some of the stuff to put out around the barn to keep them away from it.

I then got the roundup out and sprayed the back of the barn to kill all the grass and weeds so we can plant iris's back there. Next we loaded up camo with the hostas I bought for $1 apiece, got 15 of them, got the tractor and we headed up to the lob lolly pines. I mowed some of the area under them, pushed some of the dead limbs out and we then planted the hostas.

Next I started mowing and spent the next two hours mowing, Lois went to Greenfield and bought us lunch and we had a little picnic at lunch time. We downloaded the pictures from the game cameras, I am going to have to move the camera that has been out there the longest, for some reason the deer have stopped coming by it like they use to. I have noticed that the spot on up the hill where I had put the mineral block out they are wearing this spot out so on the next trip I am going to move and see what we get.

That is all for now, we had a busy day.
Here a couple of pictures from the cameras