The Yoshino Cherry we planted last year made it through the drought, it was flowering when I got to there today and the one red bud is still alive. When I was planting the cone flowers I happened to go by one of the flags that I had put in when I planted some of the other trees last year and low and beh0ld the tree by the flag was still alive, it was a Viburnum Arrowwood. So then I got to looking for some of the others that I thought were dead and I did find one more and it was Crab apple tree and it looked great.
I did fish a little bit and caught 1 crappie, 2 bass and several nice redear sunfish. When I was at the farm on the 17th I was driving around on the golf cart and since it is early spring/late winter I am able to drive places I wouldn't normally be able to drive. Anyway I scared up a Woodcock, these are small birds with long bills that fly low to the ground. I have always loved these small birds, so when she flew I had to get off the cart and see if I could scare it up again which I did. Just a neat little thing for me.
We must have had a visitor to the barn pond, when I got there today I was unloading the Blazer and looked down at the barn pond and saw a bucket sitting down on the dam. I went down there to see what it was doing down there and found a small tackle box in it and a fishing pole laying beside it. I don't know who's it was but it is in the barn now. We'll see if anyone comes to claim it.