I found this 12" magnet of the chief
Anyway I spent the next 4 hrs mowing out on the front/north side of the property. As I started mowing I saw a lot of small lob lolly pine trees that were growing which we hadn't seen before. It seems that the cattle like to eat these and they have never had a chance to get over 3' tall. Well now they will as I didn't mow them down.
If you click on this picture you will see the small pines growing along the edge where I have mowed.
We also found a lot of small oak trees that I had to mow around, I think this is also the same thing in that the cows ate the leaves off of them and wouldn't let them get big.
The start/headwaters of Cane Creek starts on our property, it is a small draw on the north side of the property. It was full of briar's, wild roses and weeds over 8'tall. Anyway I started mowing it and the next thing you know you have opened up a new area that if given a chance to let the grass grow and keep the nasty stuff out it will be a great area. Again this was an area that you could not walk through, the cows had not even tried to get through it.
Friday 9/12/08, It isn't raining this morning so when we get to the farm I am going to do some more mowing, when we got there, low and behold another flat tire. This is on one of the front tires, which I can change and take into town to the coop. I left the tire at the coop and told them I would be back at noon to pick it up. When I got back to the farm Lois suggested that we go down to the pond and do some clearing on the dam side of it. We spent about 1 1/2 hrs working and then it was time to go eat lunch. The area around the dam looks pretty good.
You can now drive the golf cart all the way across the dam
After lunch we got the tire and headed back to the farm. Once there we decided that as hot as it was we would spend the rest of the day doing some fishing. Here are some of the pics from that.
Saturday 9/12/08, Today we went to another auction, after looking at all the stuff they had at the sale most of it was junkie, we decided to go back to the farm, it was still a hot day so we decided to just do some fishing, planning and light work. Lois loves to trim trees so here are two of them that she has started trimming down at the south pond.
Another tree Lois worked on