Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 1st visit

I haven't posted anything lately, even though we did make a trip to the farm on August 1 & 2. This is about that visit, it was a work visit, as I wanted to build shelves and a rack to hold things in the barn. We did download the game camera and got some great pictures of some nice deer. I took pictures of the some of the work but forgot the camera at the farm so you will have to wait until we get back there and get it. We did set up one of the new camera's. New cameras, I was at Walmart the other day and happened to be in the sale aisle and found two game cameras on sale, so I bought them. We put one of them up in an area that we had gotten some pictures of deer earlier in the year. We put a trophy rock out to help attack and hold the deer in the area. On the next trip we are going to put out the deer feeder at this location to see what we can attract. We didn't do any fishing on this trip. All work, of course I had to pick the hottest weekend to go and do this work. On Saturday it got up to 98 degrees and Friday was 2 degrees cooler.
While we were working in the barn I found a shed snake skin, I pulled it out and we measured it, 53" long. Will have pictures of it on the next post.
Here are some of the pictures from the game camera,
Nice young buck.

Another young buck

Another young'un

Get them coming to the trophy rock when they are young

Another new dog that is crossing the property