Monday, January 14, 2008

Going to the Farm

Lois and I will be going to the farm tomorrow, for Lois this will be her first trip over there since thanksgiving. It gives her a chance to slow down from her job when we go there. Lois bought me a deer feeder for Christmas and we are going over to put it out and start feeding the deer, turkeys, raccoons and etc. as this seems to the animals that show up once you start feeding corn, I also bought a mineral block to put out. We are going to put the feeder down by where I have the game camera so hopefully I will get more good photos of the animals on the property. We will spend a relaxing day there, we may stop in to check on well drilling as there are two drillers that live just down the road from the farm. Hope to have more photos to put on the blog site of the farm. Will also down load photos from the game camera.

1 comment:

Brandie said...

The site looks good dad!!! Love you...sis