Sunday, December 2, 2007


We were leasing the property to a rancher to run his cattle on our pasture. This turned out to be quite a learning experience for me. I went to the property in March to plant some trees and grasses and to also mark some of the flowering trees on the property. I planted 2 apple tree, some pompass grass, a lilac bush and a flowering quince. Upon my return to the property a week later the pompass grass had been pulled out of the ground, apple trees had been pushed over and numerous trees that I had marked with plastic ribbon, had the ribbon pulled off. Another thing I have found out about cows is that when you change something on/in the area they live in they have this urge to mark it once it is changed. To do this they will poop all over the thing that is changed. I will tell more about this later on.

1 comment:

Brandie said...

That is what you get for having those nasty things on your property!!! you dad.