Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fighting Bucks!!!!

I was at the farm last Monday to do some work on the south pond again, seems when we did the work last May we did not dig the spillway deep enough and the water from rains this winter had started going over the middle of the dam, which isn’t good. So again I hired a backhoe & operator and had him dig the spillway out deeper. I believe we have it this time.
While there I downloaded the latest pictures from the game camera. Had a lot of deer in these pictures. The best set of pictures were two button bucks trying to fight each other. I am going to load a couple of pictures in this post so you can see them. In the background of these pictures you can see my christmas present from my wife. Yes it is a deer feeder (we have started calling it a game feeder as it will attract more than just deer), it has only been there for a few weeks.
I also did some fishing while I was there and caught 9 crappie and 1 bass. This day it was windy and temps were in the low forties.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Shape of Texas

I don't know if anyone noticed the new picture I added to the right side of the blog, it shows an outline of the farm. It is shaped like the state of Texas, I notice this the day we were at the farm looking to buy it. It seemed funny that we were from Texas, wanting to leave Texas and now we were looking at buying a piece of property that was shaped like Texas.

EQIP Program

The farm is now in the EQIP program, we just got the paper work back on Saturday. A forest management plan will be developed by an approved forester and biologist Technical Service Provider for the current stands of timber. The plan will prescribe practices and activities that create or enhance habitat for nongame wildlife and plant species of greatest conservation need. It will be several weeks or even months before this is done as the forestry person has to attend a school in Nashville to learn to do this. I am looking forward to doing the plan, it may cause me alot of work but that is okay. Just another update so people will know what is going on. It will probably be next week before I get to the farm.